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Product Care Guide

To ensure your JH Lighting, Inc. keeps its elegant finish, some preventative maintenance may be required. These measures are very simple and will ensure your lamp's integrity for years to come. Most Signature Finishes are sealed with a protective layer, so the maintenance done protects the protection. If you have any questions about your finish, please feel free to reach out to us directly.


The DO NOT's

  • Never use cleaners or solutions unspecified by JH Lighting, Inc. personnel.

  • These cleaners include "Brasso", "Windex", "Orange Cleaners", Bleach or any sort of acetone or painter/lacquer remover. These solutions will affect the finish and could tarnish or ruin it.

  • Never use abrasives or sharp objects of any kind for any reason if you wish to keep the finish integrity.

  • Sandpaper, steel wool, "Scotch Brite" pads, metal file tools, blades or needles should never be used to alter, repair or touch      up a JH Lighting, Inc Signature Finish. Microfiber cloth is also not recommended as some may mark polished surfaces.

  • Never place a JH Lighting, Inc made product in a wet, damp or humid environment- unless the item was specifically quoted      and ordered by you for such an environment. 


​The DO's

  • We recommend keeping your products dust free. Wiping with a soft, clean and dry cloth is the basic level of care.

  • For only certain finishes, you may apply a little WD-40 to a cloth and wipe the fixture down; this will add a little luster to the look of the fixture. We also recommend wiping off any excess.

    • WD-40 is safe for: Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Satin Brass, Old Brass, Polished Bronze, Butler Bronze, Oil Rubbed Bronze, JH Bronze, Gunmetal, Pewter, Satin Nickel and Satin Chrome.

    • DO NOT apply WD-40 to Old English Bronze, Verdegris, Polished Chrome, Polished Nickel or any Glass surface.

  • Please contact us for additional maintenance info regarding these finishes.



Be sure to always use the recommended bulb type in your lamps and light fixtures. Each fixture has a sticker indicating the type and max wattage LED equivalent near the bulb socket. We do not recommend halogen, xenon or incandescent bulbs in our products. These bulbs emit excess heat that could alter the finish or other pieces of the light fixture. If you have questions about the type of bulb to use, please contact us.

Some of our fixtures use hardwired LEDs and these are life rated by their manufacturers for tens of thousands of hours. If any issues arise with these hardwired LEDs, please do not attempt to remove or replace them. Doing so without expressed instruction from JH Lighting, Inc. personnel may void the warranty of the piece. Please contact us directly. Terms & Conditions.


For Stones, Glass and Crystal

Alabaster only requires a light dusting from time to time with a soft, dry cloth or feather duster. Windex may be used to clean Alabaster but one must use care to wipe off excess and not let any Windex come onto other finished surfaces. Wipe immediately if this occurs. Heat is the main killer of Alabaster. Do not use hot bulbs with alabaster or place these stones near heaters or fireplaces. Over time it will diminish the translucency and possibly compromise the integrity of the stone. Sharp objects are the second worst enemy. Be sure to never use sharp objects on any alabaster. Alabaster is a relatively soft mineral and will mark with any knife, needle or hard object it makes rough contact with. Gravity is the enemy of all things, and we strongly recommend never using any placement or method of cleaning that could put any stone in any situation where it may fall. These are considered fragile elements and will break with force. If you notice any issues with your alabaster during cleaning, please contact us.


Selenite is a little more delicate than its cousin, Alabaster. Selenite only requires a light dusting when needed. Selenite is comprised of many very thin layers and even though we acrylic seal each side of the stone, some small layer pieces may flake off with cleaning. Do not use any chemicals or solutions when cleaning Selenite. Same other rules apply to Selenite care as they do with Alabaster. No heat. No sharp objects. No precarious situations where the stone could be damaged or compromise its integrity. If any issues arise, please contact us.


​Glass may be cleaned with Windex and care must be exercised if any of the liquid lands on the metal surfaces. Wipe immediately if this occurs. Glass is best wiped clean with paper towels as lint or fibers are left with cloth. Glass will scratch with micro-fiber fabrics and of course, never use sharp objects on glass.



Naturally Occurring Elements (if applicable)

Alabaster is translucent stone that we have mined in Spain- where the finest alabaster is found. Each piece we design is carved from the heart of a boulder. Due to the nature of this stone, no two pieces are alike. The naturally occurring color tone, opaque density and veining will vary. Rest assured; we match all sets when more than one is purchased.

Care for alabaster is simple- avoid heat. Hot light bulbs, heaters, ovens and fireplaces will drain the inherent moisture held within the stone, making it become chalky over time. But with the technology of LED bulbs which produce little heat, the lifespan of lit alabaster extends exponentially. Preventative maintenance is minimal for alabaster kept indoors - a light wipe from dust with a dry cloth from time to time. Do not use chemical cleaners or polishers as it may alter the protective coating we apply to the stone or alter the stone itself. Outdoor alabaster is best to be kept out of direct sunlight and inspected from time to time for any environmental effects. If any abnormalities arise with your Alabaster, feel free to contact us.


Selenite is also part of the gypsum family and like its cousin, Alabaster, it is also translucent. Selenite appears clearer, like glass and is comprised of many layers. These layers transmit light very well. A large piece of this crystal could have a single small light source and you will find the light traveling along the edges of the stone like a fiber optic. These stones are entirely natural and have unique qualities. Due to the nature of this stone, no two pieces are alike. The naturally occurring color tone, opaque density and veining will vary. Rest assured; we match all sets when more than one is purchased. These crystals are always inspected thoroughly and tested extensively to ensure the integrity of the piece so they may be mounted safely in any context. Preventative maintenance is minimal for Selenite - a light wipe from dust with a dry cloth from time to time. Do not use chemical cleaners or polishers as it may alter the protective coating we apply to the stone or alter the stone itself. Selenite is a very soft stone and can be scratched with something as light as a fingernail. Take great care when moving and cleaning the stone. If any abnormalities arise with the stone, feel free to contact us.

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 All pricing shown on this site are MSRP. Duplication of this site and our products is prohibited. ©2024 by JH Lighting, Inc.        

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